
Picking the Perfect Boomerang

Chances are pretty good that the city you live in doesn't have a local shop that sells boomerangs(mine doesn't). So that means that if you are going to buy boomerangs, you'll have to do it online. Maybe my thoughts on distributors will make things easier for you.

Kendell's Boomerangs
Good page. Well laid out so that everything is easy to find with a fairly good description of each boomerang. Orders are emailed or by mail.
Beginner: The bottom three boomerangs(Correla,Flared Vee and Beta) look like the kind of thing that you might be interested in. At $12 each they are a great price.
Sport: The most expensive sport boomerang is only $25. The Ultra V and the Ohm look like particularily nice traditional shaped boomerangs.
USA $6 Shipping/handling for orders of $10-70 or $8 for $70-100
CANADA $20 Shipping/handling for orders of $20-50
INTERNATIONAL $25 Shipping/handling for orders of $20-50
If you check out the artistic section, Batman-fans might just be in for a surprise.

Boomerang Man
There are lots of boomerangs on this site! Unfortunately, it looks like it hasn't been organized in a while - there are beginner boomerangs in the intermediate section and intermediate ones in the beginner. I guess its not a clean cut devision but... The thing to notice is this website doesn't make their own. Accepts PayPal and phone orders.
The Yanaki looks like an especially good beginner boomerang. I'd be willing to spend a little more money for a boomerang that will last as long as it sounds like this one will. The Glacier also sounds good since it doesn't need to be thrown very hard.
For more intermediate boomerangs check out these guys: The Rainer looks like a good one because it flies low. That appeals to me. MAN! So many good sounding boomerangs! I don't know what to say about them all - The Raptor, the Adirondack Standard, the Eagle... Wow these are all Colorado boomerangs. BUT STRANGELY ENOUGH THEY ARE ALL CHEAPER THAN ON THE COLORADOBOOMERANGS SITE!
Shipping: $6.00 Shipping/handling on USA/CANADA orders of $49

Colorado Boomerangs
Use this site together with the BOOMERANG MAN - you'll be better informed and maybe you'll save a couple of dollars. Most of the BOOMERANG MAN's boomerangs come from here and are often cheaper but reading a second write-up is really useful in deciding which boomerang to get.
Shipping: $4.95 Shipping/handeling on Continental USA orders under 4lbs. ($12.95 Canada and 19.95 Europe)

Wallaby Boomerangs
Don't let the fact this is the nicest website of the bunch fool you. There really isn't alot of selection and the prices seem comparatively high. It doesn't really matter which region you chose - the selection is always the same. I think the easiest way to see what they offer is to go under the online boutique and chose catalog.
The catalog doesn't have much information really and like I said there are only a dozen to chose from and they seem about $10 too expensive. Is exotic wood really that important?
Shipping: They don't tell you the shipping until you've already started filling in VISA info - $9

As I always say, any boomerangs good enough for Prince Charles are good enough for Batman. That's right, the royal family owns a pair of Cyderman boomerangs. These are expensive boomerangs but man, are they gorgeous. The wood is all inlayed and sexy. My only real problem is that there is no information about how each one behaves. I don't really think that these are beginner boomerangs.

This is a good site. Apparently, the "G 12 rangs are unbreakable". If you go to the very bottom of the Products page there is a sports link. This shows a bunch of sets of boomerangs. The first set {VeeRang, Trapezoid, Falcon} seems like the perfect group. If you want to get a more than one beginner boomerang maybe this set of three is a good recommendation
Shipping: 12euro Shipping/handling on European orders of 3-5 boomerangs. $21 Shipping/handling on USA/world orders of 3-5 boomerangs.

DGM Boomerangs
These boomerangs are $50 a pop. They really do look great - when this guy says they are painted by hand he means hand painted not spray painted. I can't say for sure but once I see how much I enjoy throwing and have gotten good with some different beginner models, I may buy the KAMIKAZE. Its return flight is low and quick, they say it whips in rather than hovers. That sounds great if you are good enough to make it work.
DGM BOOMERANGS' shipping/handling fees are all over the place and seem high. Check it out for yourself.
And for those of you who are real Batman fans, the ornamental batarang just might be a must-have.

I like how friendly this site is. Since it is organized by brand, price checking is easy (with the exception of Samba Boomerangs which I didn't find online anywhere). That being said, it does seem like the WalMart of boomerang sellers. The prices are comparable - sometimes higher than the Boomerang Man by a couple of bucks, other times a touch lower.
Shipping/handling is reasonable at $4.95 for Continental U.S. and $16.00 international (Canada, Mexico, and Europe).

REDI Boomerangs
These boomerangs LOOK fine but the writeups about how they fly are not super informative and at 18euro or higher plus a complex shipping scheme, I'm just not interested in taking the risk. Plus, it doesn't look like they ven ship to the new US.

So in conclusion, it seems that the selection of beginner boomerangs, price and shipping of the Boomerang Man is best, although you might want use the site with Colorado Boomerangs. I'm going to order 1 single boomerang to begin with. And my choice is (drumroll please) the Yanaki. Durable, accurate, handles winds well, really nice to catch, excellent first timer. cannot and will not go wrong - do I really have a choice? It sounds like this cheap boomerang is perfect for a beginner like me.

I can't wait to give it a whirl. (Oh man, I hope they don't ban me from the internet forever for making such a terrible pun)

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